Authentic Leadership and How it Shows Up in The Workplace

Dr. Pamela Larde talks about Authentic Leadership and how it shows up in the workplace with faculty, Kumar Dattatreyan.


The Authentic Leader all share a few qualities that I strive to nurture and develop.

“Seeing” The Self

Authentic leaders have a keen understanding and awareness of their beliefs and values and find ways to express them throughout their daily lives without regard to whether they’re in the workplace or somewhere else. Authentic leaders show up as their true selves every day drawing on their self-awareness and self-management in service of the people who they lead. Authentic leadership is NOT about adopting the styles and behaviors of other leaders. It’s finding your own style, and being authentic to your values.

Developing Relationships

Developing relationships with team members is of critical importance to a leader. Compassion, understanding, empathy, and trust-building are all critically important to building resilient and high-performing teams. Being an authentic leader can decrease your team members’ stress and help improve their morale and productivity. Understanding and “seeing” the system that their team is a part of, and recognizing the intelligence of the team is a skill that sets apart authentic leaders.


Read more from Kumar here: