Post-traumatic Growth: Hope Is a Strategy, Not a Feeling
When a young person experiences trauma, there is no single answer regarding how that experience may impact them in their later years. Two 12-year-olds experiencing the exact same kind of trauma, for example, may have two very different responses — one crumbles and the other rises. One processes it deeply and the other suppresses it. One becomes a powerful force for change in the community and the other struggles to make their place in the world.
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We Must Encourage Self-belief, Self-determination for Youth to Experience Post-traumatic Growth
The intriguing thing about human nature is that there is no one way to exist. Just recently, I was speaking with a colleague who struggled to understand why some people cannot handle a heavy workload or stressful situations. Because she can....Continue Reading
Why Young People Take Social Action: Self-Determination and Youth Activism
Freedom Riders in 1964 Mississippi.
Each generation possesses a somewhat egotistic belief that they are wiser and more competent than the generation before. We are no exception. We often boast that in our heyday, we valued life more, worked harder, maintained stronger relationships, embraced family values and we definitely were not glued to our smartphones, computers, and tablet devices. In our minds, today’s youth can take some lessons from the generations that preceded them, particularly our own. Because we know what life is really like. We know the real world, and we know what it takes to change it....Continue Reading
5 Tips to Forge Stronger Relationships With Customers During the Covid-19 Crisis
The strategy and tactics you establish now will define how you interact with customers in the future.
Andy Bailey, an Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) member in Nashville, is an author, CEO and head coach of business coaching firm Petra Coach, who serves in an advisory role on the Gazelles Council, leaders of the Scale Up movement. We asked Andy how companies can help their customers get through the Covid-19 pandemic. Here's what he shared:
5 ways to start being a better ally for your black coworkers
The first six months of 2020 have brought about overwhelming levels of pain, fear and exhaustion to the black community.
In addition to experiencing disproportionately high levels of death from Covid-19 , black Americans are continuing to deal with traumatizing acts of racism and injustice across the country....Continue Reading