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Tom Martin
Certified Creative CoachServices: Executive Coaching, Personal Development Coaching
URL: www.TomMartinCoaching.com
Email: info@tommartincoaching.com
Phone No.: 4044277405
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Angela Smith
Certified Creative CoachServices: Holistic Wellness Coaching, Lifestyle Coaching
Email: thezendragonfly@gmail.com
Phone No.: 4142074896
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Tyler Kirchner
Certified Professional Coach
Kari Ginsburg
Certified Professional Coach
Jose C. Vargas
Certified Professional CoachServices: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: carlosvargas0815@gmail.com
Phone No.: 2164016919
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Jessica Childs
Certified Professional CoachServices: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: Jessica@sessionswithjessica.com
Phone No.: 9144669849
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Amanda Noell Stanley
Certified Professional Coach
Trinette L. Collier
Certified Professional CoachServices: Relationship Coach
URL: www.iamtrinettelcollier.com
Email: trinettelcollier@gmail.com
Phone No.: 4045123188
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Ned Buckingham
Certified Professional Coach
Ajay Narayanan
Certified Professional Coach
Gina Erickson
Certified Professional CoachServices: Relationship Coach
URL: www.clearfocuscoaching.com
Email: gina.clearfocuscoaching@gmail.com
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Ali Perez
Certified Professional Coach
Anthony Mack (Tony)
Certified Professional Coach
Charis Wanken
Certified Professional CoachServices: Career Coach
URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chariswanken/
Email: charis@chariswanken.com
Phone No.: 447367830033
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Angela Shank
Certified Professional Coach
Michelle Wooten
Certified Professional Coach
Kam Phillips
Personal Development CoachServices: Life Coach
URL: www.kameronphillips.com/coach
Email: booking@kameronphillips.com
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Christy D. Nichols
Certified Professional Coach
Julia Amato
Certified Professional CoachServices: Life Coach
URL: www.julia-amato.com
Email: coach@julia-amato.com
Phone No.: 5033181316
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Joel Perez
Associate Certified Coach
Joyce Butts
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
Email: joy@active-potential.com
Phone No.: 2293258325
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Michelle Regis
Certified Professional Coach
Krista Davis
Certified Professional CoachServices: Health and Wellness Coach
URL: www.kristamdaviscoaching.com
Email: kristamdavis.coaching@gmail.com
Phone No.: 15037204921
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Connie Gamertsfelder
Certified Professional Coach
Toni Lewis
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
Email: toni@growthmindsetllc.com
Phone No.: 6096588843
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Jennifer Black
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
Email: Jennifer@onfire2nspire.com
Phone No.: 3015327024
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Danielle Avant
Certified Professional CoachServices: Executive Coach
URL: www.danielleavant.co
Email: hello@danielleavant.co
Phone No.: 2026748033
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Elizabeth Crawford
Certified Professional Coach
Philicia Wallace
Certified Professional Coach
Douglas Grant
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
Email: dgrant@ethosforbusiness.com
Phone No.: 9802538150
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Micah Leinbach
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
URL: www.mleinbach.com
Email: micahleinbach@gmail.com
Phone No.: 4148037080
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Ayesha Kirk
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
Email: ctservices333@gmail.com
Phone No.: 8132105625
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Ashley von Schulman
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
URL: www.ashleyvonschulman.com/coaching
Email: ashley.vonschulman@gmail.com
Phone No.: 358458860500
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Dr. Douglas Taylor
Certified Professional Coach
Lorea Seidel
Certified Professional Coach
Mike James
Certified Professional CoachServices: Career Coach
URL: https://calendly.com/miketjames18
Email: miketjames18@gmail.com
Phone No.: 9102844419
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Jillian Fiore
Certified Professional CoachServices: Certified Professional Coach
URL: www.jillianfiore.com
Email: jillianjfiore@gmail.com
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Mikka Jackson
Certified Professional CoachServices: Life Coach
URL: www.mikkajackson.com
Email: mikkajacksoncoaching@outlook.com
Phone No.: 5139194463
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Britt Franklin
Certified Creative CoachServices: Creative Vision Coaching, Life Coaching, Writing Coaching
Email: coaching@maverickscanvas.com
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Michael Heflin
Certified Creative Coach
Cyndi Heller
Certified Creative Coach
Harolyn Attar
Certified Creative Coach
Damion Thompson
Certified Creative CoachServices: Life Coaching, Health & Wellness Coaching
Email: solelectro59@gmail.com
Phone No.: 4148395902
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Pernethia Arrington
Certified Creative CoachServices:
URL: www.visionspeakscoaching.com
Email: visionspeakcoaching@gmail.com
Phone No.: 7328096740
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Tiffany Miller
Certified Creative CoachServices: Life Coaching, Creative Coaching, Spiritual Coaching
URL: www.liveinbloom.com
Email: liveinbloom365@gmail.com
Phone No.: 4142163359
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Amy Pierre
Certified Creative CoachServices: Executive Coach
URL: www.excelsiorprocoaching.com
Email: amy@excelsiorprocoaching.com
Phone No.: 7817970618
Read MoreBritt Franklin
Baton Rouge, LA – Britt Franklin is an artist, adventurer, and creator of Maverick’s Canvas, where expression and authenticity are celebrated. She works with clients to mold untapped potential and break down blocks to turn vision into reality as their best selves.
Michael Heflin
Buffalo, NY
Cyndi Heller
Gillette, NJ
Harolyn Attar
Atlanta, GA – Harolyn Attar is a program leadership and project management professional who leverages her skills to enhance personal awareness and life satisfaction in her clients through life coaching.
Damion Thompson
Milwaukee, WI – Damion Thompson is an entertainer, lover of life, world traveler, life and health and wellness coach whose passion is to help people live the lives they were designed to live. He utilizes a holistic approach, incorporating spirituality, personal training, and the healing power of music to create a truly unique coaching experience.
Pernethia Arrington
Somerset, NJ – Pernethia A. Arrington, PMP is President and Owner of Vision Speaks Coaching, LLC, a company inspired by Habakkuk 2:2-3. Pernethia has a long-running history excelling as a community leader, corporate professional, student-athlete, academic scholar, mentor and coach. She instills in the organization her servant leadership style toward positive business results and expansive community impact.
Tom Martin
Atlanta, GA – Tom Martin is an accomplished business leader with extensive sales and operational management experience. As an Executive Coach with Tom Martin Coaching, Tom helps business leaders and high performing individuals clarify goals and maintain focus on key actions that produce immediate results and a lasting impact. Tom contributed to Dr. John Maxwell’s leadership book, Everyone Communicates-Few Connect and has been published in the Huffington Post.
Angela Smith
Milwaukee, WI – Angela Smith provides services to help her clients live in joy by creating home no matter where it is. Her philosophy is that home is a sacred sanctuary from the outside world. Her company motto: Lifestyle coaching for you and your space.
Tiffany Miller
Milwaukee, WI – Tiffany Miller is the owner of Live In Bloom. Her company utilizes a creative approach that inspires self knowledge and awareness to empower the actualization of goals towards a purpose driven life or “The Bloom Life”.
Tyler Kirchner
Hello all! I have been an organizational and life coach since 2017 and am a Certified Professional Coach through the Academy of Creative Coaching. I specialize in leadership and entrepreneur/small business coaching, but work with clients on topics that are wide ranging. My coaching style is client-centered and I work to help you navigate the challenges of business and life to create lasting change.
Kari Ginsburg
If you’ve got a case of the Mondays, or you’re generally feeling meh about where you’re at, I’m here with a fierce conversation, some tough love and a lot of laughter. Whether you’re a ceo, an assistant, or someone spending time in the #funknown, you deserve to feel complete.
My name is Kari, and I’m not your average business & life coach. But then, who wants to be average? Come find me Uproar Coaching, LLC or www.uproarcoaching.com and we can be extraordinary together.
Jose C. Vargas
I help start-up business owners struggling with low self-confidence, uncertainty and fatigue so that they can finally be their authentic selves and unlock their unlimited super powers to create a business and life they were meant to have and deserve. I am your Authenticity and High Performance Coach.
Jessica Childs
I’m a somatic embodiment coach specializing in relationships, intimacy and sexuality. The way we relate to one another and ourselves touches all aspects of our being. I support people as they come home to themselves.
Amanda Noell Stanley
Amanda approaches her coaching practice with a designer’s mindset, asking questions and uncovering insights in service to a better tomorrow. Helping her clients identify their intrinsic values and strengths, she partners with them in judgement-free space to discover new possibilities. Integrating experience from eighteen years working in human development, consulting, and executive leadership roles, she helps clients creatively approach change in their lives in- and outside of work. Amanda has a unique ability to see beyond today’s constraints to lead others beyond what is true and into what is possible.
Trinette L. Collier
I’m Trinette L. Collier, The Inspirationalist
I’m here to inspire you develop better relationships with your loved ones. To some, that may seem odd but let’s examine it in more detail. Many of us blame different circumstances or people on our quality of life. Although life’s situations and even people may have influence on you, choosing to work with a life coach means that you’re ready to take full responsibility of your life moving forward. This frees up the energy that you would normally use in past disappointments, resentments and bitterness.
Ned Buckingham
My mission is to help people catalyze potential into positive action. I believe that when people are empowered and supported, they can embody the best versions of themselves, and be in control of their lives. My specialization includes leadership development, team development, and communication both personally and professionally.
Ajay Narayanan
My mission is to support organizations and other collectives, as well as leaders in unlocking the deeper potential of human systems. Through my presence and work, I deliver interventions that foster empowerment and create deep alignment towards collective goals. My approach seeks to integrate Eastern wisdom traditions that enable insights associated with Presence, Mindfulness, and Polarities, with current Western Organizational Development approaches such as Social Constructionism, Dialogic OD, Gestalt, Adaptive Leadership, Anthro-Complexity, and Use of Self.
Gina Erickson
I specialize in boundaries coaching and womxn empowerment. I help my clients set limits in their work, relationships, and family so that they can make room for an emotionally and mentally healthy life.
Ali Perez
I am a certified professional coach with a supportive, strategic approach. I can connect with both project activation issues and yet I am equally comfortable delving into deeper philosophical challenges. I am open, introspective, energetic, and understanding. Above all, I am here to meet you where ever you are and help you find success on your own terms.
Anthony Mack (Tony)
Tony’s personal vision statement for coaching is simple: “To honor, respect and nurture the gifts of all individuals.” Through a Developmental Coaching approach, individuals will incorporate specific strategies to leverage their strengths and to implement strategies for sustained positive change. Tony received his training through the Academy of Creative Coaching.
Charis Wanken
I am a Strengths-certified Career Transition Coach specialized in helping individuals explore and navigate career transitions in multinational job markets. I bring a deep understanding of the job search process and love uncovering creative solutions to complex career situations. My joy comes from helping clients achieve their career goals while feeling fully supported across all career topics from vocation exploration to negotiation.
Angela Shank
I specialize in helping clients with behavior modification and lifestyle change to become their best selves. through powerful questioning designed to inspire thinking and provoke new awareness the client can discover what’s been holding them back from the life they truly want to live.
Michelle Wooten
I have two real passions: serving others and constant improvement. I know I’m meant to be a coach because I am in love with helping my clients become their best. I strive to help my clients become sustainably high achievers who can do great things over the long term.
Kam Phillips
Atlanta, GA – Kam Phillips is a Personal Development Coach who assists students and professionals in navigating the self-discovery journey by providing observations, encouragement, and accountability. Kam’s partnership with clients to learn about their story, identify goals, and develop a personalized plan of action, help them gain a new perspective to positively impact their path moving forward.
Ayme Pointer
Certified Executive and Lifestyle Coach. 25-years facilitation, mediation, and management consulting experience.
Christy D. Nichols
Christy’s professional education expertise has afforded her the opportunity to work around the world. Since achieving a Masters Degree and Teaching Credentials in Sussex, England, she has created and developed two companies focused on Leadership Development Programs through education and conservation projects overseas.
She has delivered leadership initiatives internationally to individuals, universities, small companies, and non-profits in the UK, Europe, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, South Africa, Canada, the USA, and Australia.
Through her company, Venture Within, she creates transformational experiences for personal and professional growth. She lives a full and meaningful life while inspiring and enabling others to do the same.
Expert in leadership development amongst professionals 20 years an Educator, CEO of Venture Within, and formerly Co-Founder of EDventure International ICF Accredited Certified Professional Coach Curated strategic leadership workshops catered for traveling professionals, with a focus on personal development and growth.
Utilizes cultural immersive experiences as transformative opportunities.
Julia Amato
Julia bridges her marketing expertise with her coaching practice by helping people craft their story and bring it to life. Focused on self-awareness, values and goals, Julia coaches clients to actively live the life they want. As an add-on to coaching, Julia offers copywriting for LinkedIn bios, resumes and websites.
Joel Perez
I am passionate about helping professional succeed in their workplaces. I specialize helping be transition from one job to another, people develop cultural humility, helping people of color navigate predominantly White organizations, and people who are feeling stuck. I do this by listening, bringing clarity, providing support: Apoyo Coaching.
Joyce Butts
Joy is the founder of Active Potential. She utilizes her corporate and community experience to provide high-potential performers a coaching experience that explores hidden strengths, out of the box thinking, and impeding obstacles resulting in rewarding, sustainable solutions.
Michelle Regis
I support women by helping them shift boldly into their life’s purpose by coaching them through change and self doubt. In partnership as a quality of life transitional lifestyle coach we create life experiences.
Krista Davis
I coach on creating a positive mindset. What you can expect from me is guidance, support, action planning and offering my understanding, compassion, and of course, sense of humor when the time is right.
Connie Gamertsfelder
Connie Gamertsfelder is a Certified Executive Leadership Coach with over 20 years of management experience. Her diverse industry experience includes management consulting, D.O.D. cleared contracting, technology, professional services, healthcare, industrial laundry/manufacturing, and recruitment. Connie has worked with small, mid-sized and larger global organizations alike. She holds a Masters in Management and Human Resources, and a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science. Connie believes coaching has no boundaries and adapts her coaching process to the culture of each organization. She provides solution coaching designed to help the client recognize symptoms, discover the source of the symptoms, and then find a solution. Connie lives with her husband Tom, who has a creative design business, in Stephens City, Virginia.
Toni Lewis
Coaching with Toni means you will achieve challenging goals and gain greater satisfaction in work and life. From the first moment you contact Toni, you will see how easy it is to work with her. Coach Toni holds an inclusive space developed from years of experience with many people of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, geographic, and professional backgrounds.
Jennifer Black
Life isn’t easy and we all need encouragement thoughout life. I help faith walkers find their steps.
Danielle Avant
I am a leadership development and executive coach that equips Millennial women leaders with tools for success.
Elizabeth Crawford
I am a Career and Personal Development Coach. I am passionate in assisting you to reach your career goals, while capitalizing on your personal development. Together, we will define your passion and purpose bringing forth your absolute best self!
Philicia Wallace
Hey I’m Philicia and I empower women of faith who are still struggling to walk fully walk into their purpose find their fears and SLAY them!!
Douglas Grant
Doug is a Certified Coach with Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching, an Intelligent Leadership Coach, a Certified Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 Coach. He is certified as a Maxwell Method DISC Consultant, and is a founding partner with best-selling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell as a Certified John Maxwell Team leadership coach.
Micah Leinbach
My work centers on helping you and those around you work better together. As a coach, I specialize in helping you through tricky leadership challenges or tough group dynamics. My background is in high growth startups, wilderness expedition, and the broad field I call “messy human stuff.”
Ayesha Kirk
My philosophy as a coach is to cultivate mindfulness, inspire personal and professional development, and transformation. I strive to create an environment of motivation, self-discovery, and holistic support.
Ashley von Schulman
Obsessed with empowering human potential.
Creativity has been the central thread connecting every aspect of my life, and I have witnessed what a powerful tool it can be when we learn to think creatively – about everything. I partner with individuals and businesses to craft intentional narratives about the way we show up to life & business.
Dr. Douglas Taylor
I’m a Financial Coach who specializes in working with people in the arts, academia, and the non-profit sector.
Lorea Seidel
As a leadership coach, my experience includes 20+ years in talent development, a master’s degree in counseling, and a graduate-level executive coaching certificate. I help clients develop radical self-awareness because ultimately “who you are is how you lead.” Self-awareness and self-trust form the foundation for leading with greater consciousness, courage and connection.
Mike James
As Life & Career Coach, I’ve helped my clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life’s too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. I am here to help my clients achieve a more positive outlook on life and provide them with the tools necessary to get them there. Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your goals.
Jillian Fiore
I coach from a place of possibility in support of your authentic version of success. I’m also a yoga and meditation teacher who specializes in mind/body practices; we may explore those tools in our coaching sessions if they’re helpful to your process of self examination, connection, and forward progress.
Mikka Jackson
I empower individuals and groups to connect with their authentic needs, wants and goals to move toward the achievement and fulfillment they desire.
Amy Pierre
Have you hit a point professionally where you’d like to feel better supported? Have you found yourself thinking you need more fulfillment from your day-to-day but unsure what to prioritize to have it? These are questions my clients face. My background in HR has allowed me to support clients from a range of career stages and industries to understand where they want to be and how to get there.
Aurélie Salvaire
Join thousands of successful coaches from around the world who have earned certifications in professional coaching. We have everything you need for a successful career from education to business development and unlimited support!
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The Academy of Creative Coaching mission is to offer the very best in training with a flexible and adaptable curriculum that enables our graduates to make an impact in the discipline that best reflects their strengths and purpose.
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